Terry McGettigan CV
Who Is Terry McGettigan
A Trusted Name in Tower Crane Accident Investigations and Litigation Support

*May 2024; Retained by Tilton & Tilton LLP and Sico Law Group regarding the April, 2024 Fort Lauderdale Tower Crane Incident. ( On behalf of deceased plaintiff )
*July 2020; Retained as a Tower Crane Expert with Arnold & Itkin LLP (Jason Itkin) on the 2019 Dallas Crane Collapse. Case settled in April, 2023 for a record-breaking award of $860 Million Dollars! ( On behalf of deceased plaintiff )
*June 2022: Retained as a Crane Consultant / Expert Witness with Metier Law LLC (Grant Lawson). Case involved a “Crane Rigger” seriously injured working with a tower crane. Case was quickly settled out of court. ( On behalf of injured plaintiff )
*October 2021 to Present; Contrast Engineering, (Grant Rhyno) – Nova Scotia – a Forensic Engineering firm hired by Sedgwick Atlantic Canada (Insurance firm) regarding the collapse of a Tower Crane (2019 Brenton Suites Crane Collapse). Case is in limbo.

Terry McGettigan
A History of Experience
47 years in the “Craning” Industry.
*July 2019, to June 2020. Crane Superintendent for BNA Constructors (Detroit MI.) Gordie Howe International Bridge; ( 2020 time to retire!!! )
Responsible Include:
- Inspection of Cranes
- Overseeing Assembly and Disassembly of Cranes
- Scheduling service and maintenance
- Lift Director
- Operator evaluations
- Advising on Crane selection
*March 2019 to June 2019: Crane “Lift Director” Ferma Corp. Seattle WA. Alaska Way Viaduct Demolition (Kiewit project). Removal of Concrete (Prestressed) Bridge Girders.
Responsible Include:
- Directly oversees the work being performed by cranes, and the associated rigging crew.
- Personally “signaling” critical two Crane lift operations
- Guaranteeing that rigging is carried out by competent personnel.
- Making sure area preparations have been completed prior to crane operations.
- Guaranteeing workers comprehend their responsibilities and the associated hazards.
- Review and revise “Lift Plans” (and JHA / JSA)
*2014 – April, 2019: Equipment Superintendent for Jay Dee Contracting. Project is valued at $500 Million – – Sound Transit / N125 North Link Extension, Seattle, WA.
Responsible Include:
- Scheduling and overseeing Service & Maintenance of a broad range of heavy equipment, (Over 100 pieces) including Cranes; (Tower – Crawler – RT) and many unique types of earth and material handling equipment.
- Crane Lift Director.
- Crane erection and dismantling (including the largest Tower Crane in the USA, a Kroll K1800
- Fill-in Operator; Manitowoc 14000 & 10000, Terex RT665, Kroll K1800 Tower Crane
*2013-14: Tower Crane Superintendent for Kiewit / Kvaerner (KKC) Exxon Mobil “Hebron” GBS. Newfoundland, Canada. Project valued at $16 Billion
Responsible Include:
- Scheduling and Overseeing the Service & Maintenance of 6 Kroll Tower Cranes ranging from 16mt to 110mt (the Largest Tower Crane in North America).
- Collaborating with Topmost Project Management to limit disruption during crane assembly / disassembly and climbing.
- Oversee and Scheduling Crane Erection, Dismantling and Climbing.
- Critical Lift overview.
- Create and or Review lift plans, and JSA / JHA.
*2010-12: Tower Crane Operator / Technician for Jay Dee Constructors. Seattle, WA. Responsible Include:
- Perform all technical issues including: Service & Repair, Erection and Dismantling on the largest Hammer-Head Tower Crane in USA. Kroll 1800 (60mt)
- Draft work plans for assembly / disassembly.
- Operator; Tower Crane (60mt), Crawler Crane (220t & 100t), and RT Crane (65t)
Continued Employment as an Operator, Technician, and Inspector:
- 2009: Liebherr Tower Crane & RT Crane (70t) – Water Treatment plant, PCL Construction – San Diego, CA.
- 2003-8: Peiner Tower Crane – Multiple High-Rises from 25 to 45 Stories. Newway Forming – San Diego, CA. Also acted as Technician, Troubleshooting and Climbing company owned Tower Cranes.
- 2007: Worked as an independent Tower Crane Inspector.
- 2005-6: Linkbelt (220t) Crawler Crane – Power Station. Archer Western Constr. CA.
- 2004: Liebherr Tower Crane and Linkbelt Hyd. Crane (90t). Brewer Crane – CA.
- 2000-3: Liebherr & Comedil Tower Cranes, High-Rises. Roel Construction – CA.
- 1998-99: Comansa Tower Crane. High-rise. Blake Construction – CA.
- 1998: American (375t) Barge mounter Crawler Crane. J.E. McAmis – Alaska & CA.
- 1996-7: American (110t) Barge mounted Crawler Crane. Marathon Construction – CA.
- 1995-96: Comansa Tower Crane. Highrise. Blake Construction – CA.
- 1994-95: Manitowoc (175t) Clam-shell, general hook work. Mingus Construction, CA.
- 1993: Manitowoc (175t) Crawler Crane. 72” Pipeline. PCL Construction – CA.
- 1992-3: Liebherr Tower Crane. Hoover Dam Visitor center. PCL Construction – NV,
- 1992: American (220t) Crawler Crane. Power Plant. Ames Construction. NV.
- 1990-1: Manitowoc (150t) Crawler Crane. Water Treatment Plant. Centric / Jones – AZ.
- 1990: Manitowoc (350t) Crawler Crane. 96” Pipe-line Kiewit Construction – AZ.
- 1988-9: Potain Tower Crane. 25 story High-rise Carson Concrete – Philadelphia, PA.
- 1987: Manitowoc (230t) Crawler Crane, Nuclear Power Plant. Hake Rigging – PA.
- 1985-8: Pecco Tower Cranes & Manitowoc Crawler Crane PCL Construction, WV, AZ.
- 1981-4: Wolff & Linden Tower Cranes. High-rise and Parking. Walters CM – CO.
- 1980: Liebherr Tower Crane. 22 story High Rise Wellington Construction – CO.
- 1978-9: P&H (90t) Crawler Crane. Sewage Plant Corrothers Construction – NE.
- 1977: LINK-BELT (100t) Truck Crane. Nuclear Cooling Tower. Research Cottrell – PA.
- 1974-8: Operating Engineers Apprenticeship (4 year) Operating Engineers – PA.
- 1973-4: Lima 30t Rail Crane. Crane helper / Rigger Reading Railroad – PA.
Notable Accomplishments:
- Part of a team of experts for Arnold & Itkin LLP (Jason Itkin) on the 2019 Dallas Crane Collapse which resulted in a record-breaking award of $680 Million.
- Acquiring a broad range of Crane Industry Certifications, requiring countless hours of study, training, and personal expense.
- Writing many articles on Tower Crane Safety – – Published in the ENR, International Cranes, and Cranes today.
- Authored and Published “Tower Crane Accident Statistics” Recognized by the American National Standards Institute – ANSI.
- Becoming a License / Certified Crane Inspector in the States of; California and Washington.
- Planning / Implementing Load testing (121tons) on the largest Tower Crane in North America (Kroll 4000) Newfoundland, Canada. “Water-Weight Bags”.
- Represented Kroll Tower Cranes (USA); Sold the Largest Tower Crane (K1800) in the USA.
- Invented a material handling device (22/yd. remote controlled Crane Hopper) which greatly increased productivity. Presently the Company now owns 4 of these units.
- Replacing a Hoist Gearbox on a Peiner Tower Crane @ 400’ using a Helicopter in under 12min. airtime!
- Becoming a NCCCO Certified Crane Operator in 1997 – – Long before it became mandatory.